PDF Reporting from Web Apps, How hard can it be?

Part 2: Why markup based PDF Templating is the way to go...

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In the last post we walked through a pretty exhaustive mental excercise focused on key considerations for quality PDF rendering from a web application… We spent most of the time reviewing the dramatic difference between web rendering and printable-media rendering – something that, I’ve observed, novice development teams don’t fully... [Read More]

Netwontsoft.Json dependency conflicts with Azure Functions (v2)

Why is this even a problem? Well, here's a little glance under the hood...

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If you’re encountering an error with Newtonsoft.Json dependency conflicts in Azure Functions (both .net Framework V1 or .Net Core V2), you’re not alone. And luckily the solution is most likely really straight-forward (unless you’re also doing of these gotchas). [Read More]